Monday, September 21, 2009

hello everyone, happy monday, yes we are more than half over. this past month has been very hectic for all of us. matthew has had a tough week. last week he became sick and i ended up taking him to the doctor. we don't know if it was the pig flu or plain flu or what but we got a prescription and he is better now but still very tired. so hopefully he will not be too behind on his school work. he is getting ready to dive into his senior project and i am ready to start freaking out over that. i guess they are supposed to be done with the whole project by december so we don't worry and fret over it in the spring. he is going to do his project on the different types of wood used in the history of guitar playing. he also has the grizzley catalog, (for woodworkers), and he is going to order a guitar and build it from the beginning. so as you see i am going to prepare myself for the anticipated senior frenzy! sadie is busy with her volleyball team and she just won class vice-president so she has been on cloud 9. her team is doing fairly well. they are learning all of the techniques of serving, setting ect....... of course, i am always packing water and food like the other mothers. hailey, well she is getting ready to move to powell wyoming. she is so excited and so are we. she is going to go to northwestern wyoming next year or as soon as she can get her wyoming residency. i think she is going to go into early childhood education. i think she would make a super kindergarten or 1st grade teacher. jade is up there working for a lineman company and doing well and so i think hailey is really ready to move up and be settled. i keep thinking about how many times our parents moved us. the very first time was when i watched casey's dad throw his bed in the back of the cheese truck and off they went and i thought i would never see him again. very traumatic! but i saw him again! :) so the moving in the family carries on..............................................we haven't told scout that hailey is moving. he just about flips out when she comes home and then is quite lost when monday rolls around and there is no one to play with and jump over. well i better get back to work and finish up! we love you all!


  1. Hey Wendy! Sorry about my email not working it should work now. I definitly need you email address to add to my blog. When are you coming up next?

  2. Aunt Wendy are you alive? This last post was 4 months ago!:) j/k
    I know how it goes sometimes.
